About us: Momentum Technologies continues its growth.

Les Affaires February 21, 2024, By Jean-François Venne

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Momentum ventured into business intelligence with a new division in 2017. "We cover a broad playing field that includes the design, implementation, and development of information systems, positioning us well to help businesses establish good business intelligence systems," explains CEO Amin Gargouri.



Amin Gargouri, Directeur général services-conseils

A diversified clientele

The company focuses on a highly diverse clientele, which includes both private enterprises and government organizations. Among its clients are insurance companies and the Quebec Ministry of Transportation. "The common denominator among all our clients is data," says the CEO. "They all possess it and are all seeking to extract maximum value from it."

Momentum assists them in understanding their needs, adopting infrastructure tailored to those needs, and effectively presenting the data to aid in decision-making. The company also supports the migration of existing BI solutions to the cloud, a way to simplify business intelligence and often reduce costs.

Amin Gargouri cites a project carried out in 2022 for the Montreal real estate investment trust BTB, which has an office in Quebec City. They aimed to automate their decision-making system, which at that time required a lot of manual actions. This increased the margin of error and led to significant waste of time and energy.

"We helped them migrate their server-based system to a new cloud-based business intelligence architecture," explains Amin Gargouri. BTB chose Momentum in part because of its partnership with Microsoft, as they wanted to use the Azure platform. Momentum Technologies' solution handles data from all sources. The data is stored in a data lake (a method for rapid storage of massive data), then cleaned, transformed, and analyzed (ETL process), before being placed in a multidimensional data warehouse optimized for Azure Synapse-based analysis.

User-friendly dashboards and reports pointing to the decision-making data warehouse were set up to make BTB's relevant information accessible, whether on the web version, mobile, or even on Teams. This allows BTB managers to have a more precise idea of the managed real estate assets and make better decisions.

The Reign of Cloud Computing

"To effectively assist our clients, we must understand their business objectives, the problems they wish to solve, and the types of data usage that truly create value for them," notes Amin Gargouri.

He observes that many companies are hesitant to embark on business intelligence projects, imagining them to be necessarily heavy and complex. But according to him, the advent of cloud computing has greatly simplified and lightened these initiatives. He also advises starting modestly, then accelerating the pace as processes are better mastered.

He further asserts that success largely depends on the commitment of top management. "Leaders must believe in the project and understand well what value they wish to derive from it," he judges.

The arrival of solutions that require little or no coding, thanks to the contribution of generative artificial intelligence like Chat GPT, tends to democratize the use of business intelligence tools. A favorable context for business growth like Momentum Technologies. The company relies on organic growth fueled by businesses' interest in data monetization. But it also has its sights set on a few acquisitions in Quebec to further expand its scope.

"The continued digital transformation in businesses and the need to find innovative solutions to overcome labor shortages greatly benefit firms in our sector, so I foresee a continuation of our growth in the coming years," predicts Amin Gargouri.